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The purpose of this monograph is to illuminate an influential and widely embraced worldview and understanding of revelation within the Sunni Muslim tradition, epitomized by the tradition of Ibn ʿArabī and a specific conception of wahdat al-wujūd (the unity of existence). Rather than engaging in contentious debates, the approach taken in this monograph is to present a comprehensive exposition of the metaphysical principles underlying this outlook, while also providing a comparative analysis with the Ashʿarite principles that shape their worldview.

Drawing upon the Islamic framework and the philosophy of religion, this monograph probes the intricate nature of the human being as expounded within the kalam tradition. It investigates the composition of the human being, addressing the interplay between the mind, body, and other aspects of human existence. Furthermore, it explores the epistemic capacities of the human being, seeking to unravel the depths of intellectual faculties, knowledge acquisition, and the innate disposition known as ‘fitra.’ Additionally, the monograph delves into the moral capacities of human beings, shedding light on their ethical inclinations, moral decision-making, and the pursuit of virtue.

Within this Islamic framework, the monograph presents an enlightening analysis of the human being, offering insights into their essence, potential, and ultimate purpose. By exploring the composition, epistemic capacities, and moral faculties of the human being, this work provides a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of the soul within the kalam tradition,
contributing to the broader field of Islamic philosophy of religion.

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